8 ways to improve you and your home on a rainy weekend

Plants in wellies and a watering can - credit Iris Luis Bustamante from PixabayWe're prone to plenty of cold and rainy weekends at this time of year, preferring to spend them cosy inside our home rather than out in the garden or battling the wind and rain elsewhere. We're sure many of you like to remain tucked up on a rainy weekend eating snacks and enjoying movie marathons, but we're sure there are also many others who would like to put their free time to good use by following our 10 ways to improve you and your home during any rainy weekends where you'd be otherwise be doing not much else!

Sort out your loft

If you want to take sorting out your property from top-to-bottom quite literally, then starting at the very top would be the way to go. If your loft is the space where you've collected all sorts of odds and ends over the years, then you'll probably enjoy dedicating a weekend to sifting through all the old stuff you've accumulated. It's not a weekend of 100% nostalgia, though! This is sorting out time, so make sure by the end of the weekend you know what you're keeping and what you're getting rid of - and be ruthless!

Run through safety checks

Most people could certainly do with running through property safety checks more often, and a weekend where you're inside avoiding the cold provides the perfect opportunity to do that. Ensure all smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and electrical appliances are safe and in good working order. If you find any problems with electrical appliances or with something that requires some specialist knowledge, be sure to call in the professionals.

Work through your wardrobe

If the loft is where we accumulate odds and ends, the wardrobe is where we accumulate plenty of old unworn clothes. Ask yourself when you last wore each item of clothing, and if it's too long ago to remember maybe you need to pass it on to someone else! There are charities you could donate unwanted clothing items to, or you could try selling them online or hand them over to friends or family. You'll be left with plenty of room for new outfits!

Find ways to be more energy efficient

Doing your bit to make your home more energy efficient can mean you're not only doing your bit to help the planet but also finding ways to shave pounds off your bills. You could make a list of everything that could be improved in your property, such as gradually replacing appliances with more energy efficient ones or looking into adding improved insulation.

Put a stop to the hoarding

It's difficult to put a sudden stop to hoarding when you've been doing it for a long time, but a full weekend that's entirely free will allow you to make a real dent in sorting things out. If you're a super hoarder, it may take several weekends, but you can at least target specific rooms or parts of the house one at a time. Declutter draws and places where you're prone to storing things, be it letters or items or anything at all. If you need to keep some of the items, find a dedicated home to keep that stuff in order, if you don't, then get rid! This will both free up space and make you feel a great deal better.

Organise your life

This relates well to what has been pointed out above with the hoarding. We all have important documents and letters related to mortgages and bank accounts etc. so use some free time to organise everything into folders so that you can easily locate everything in the future at the exact moment you need it.

Bring nature indoors

Nature makes us happy, so instead of banishing greenery to the outdoors, why not use a weekend to focus on some indoor plants? There are plenty of attractive indoor plants that can lift your property as well as your mood, plus you could set yourself up to go one step further by promising to treat yourself to fresh new flowers every other weekend. This will both help purify the air as well as provide some fresh scents.

Do the odd jobs

Most of us have an ever-growing list of odd jobs just waiting for us to get around to doing, so a rainy weekend is the perfect opportunity to knuckle down and start ticking them off - the indoor odd jobs, at least! From home repairs to decorating a room, you'd be surprised at how much you'll enjoy doing them once you get down to it. Plus you'll appreciate using your free time wisely by shortening the list.

Besides suggesting plenty of ways to productively spend a rainy weekend, we also have a friendly team of property experts who can help you with your move. Whether you're keen on buying, renting or selling a property in Cardiff, don't hesitate to get in touch with us here at CPS Homes. Call us on 02920 668585, e-mail enquiries@cpshomes.co.uk or simply pop into one of our three branches.

24 February 2021

The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.


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