Lock-outs during your tenancy

Key in a lock

We recently wrote to our student tenants on the subject of lock-outs during their tenancy.

We hope it doesn't happen to you, but we know from plenty of past experiences that tenants sometimes find themselves locked out of their property or bedroom at some point during their tenancy.

Unless it’s due to a faulty lock or door, getting back in – and the cost involved in doing so – will be your responsibility.

If you’re locked out during office hours, you’re welcome to come in and ask if we have a spare key for you to borrow, but please be advised that we can’t always guarantee to have one available. If you have bedroom keys, we strongly advise you cut a copy of each one and store them somewhere safe and easily accessible in the event of a lock-out, such as a kitchen drawer.

If you find yourself locked out outside of office hours, you’ll find emergency contact numbers on our answer phone. We have also provided these below. As stated above, if you’re locked out through your own fault, you will be liable for the cost of the work involved to allow you access again, which will include an out-of-hours call-out charge.

Finally, if gaining access to your property or bedroom has resulted in you being issued with a new key, we will require at least one copy of this – possibly more. Please arrange this with our letting office at your earliest convenience.

Emergency contact numbers

Please visit our Tenant Help Page and scroll to the bottom where it lists 'Useful Phone Numbers'.

14 October 2016

The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.


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