Things to do at the beginning of your tenancy

It's the day of your move. Excited? You should be! Yes, there's a lot to remember and an awful lot more to do, but don't let that stop you enjoying a new chapter in your life! CPS Homes have put together these short steps to make living in your new home a smooth and easy transition.

Take pictures:


With pretty much everyone owning a smart phone nowadays, who doesn't have access to a camera? No excuses! If the landlord or letting agency haven’t already taken good quality photos, take a photo of each room and any items of particular concern. Keep these somewhere safe for the duration of your tenancy to safeguard against any disputes with the landlord when it comes to moving out.



Your inventory is a list of all of the items in your house and their condition. Make sure you check through thoroughly and sign an inventory. It really does safeguard you against any potential problems that could occur in getting your bond back at the end of your tenancy.



Moving into a house means having to enter the ‘real world’ when it comes to bills. It’s not too interesting, but definitely worth remembering: Take meter readings when you get to the property so you’re charged the correct amount and set up your accounts as soon as possible.


Car Parking

Parking without a permit in certain areas will get very expensive very quickly. Get one from Cardiff Council as soon as possible to avoid those pesky fines.

Council Tax:

Council Tax

Students are lucky enough to not have to pay council tax – you just need to make sure you get your Council Tax exemption certificates from the University and pass them onto the Council. It’s a whole new story when you graduate though!

Rent payments:


It sounds obvious but you’ll be amazed how many people forget to ensure their rent is paid each month. Most landlords/lettings agents will ask you to set up a standing order, but bear in mind this doesn't allow them to take the funds from you. It’s an instruction between you and your bank, so you need to make sure it’s actually left your account

And with all that done, stick the kettle on and relax in your new home! If you would like any more information about renting in Cardiff, please get in touch with CPS Homes, we'd love to hear from you!

09 September 2013

The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.


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