Winter Precautions

With Christmas and New Year just around the corner and many of our tenants returning home for this period, we thought we’d share some precautions you can take to keep your property safe whilst you’re away and meet your requirements as tenants in the process.

- As temperatures plummet, please be aware that it’s your responsibility - even during periods when you’re not occupying the property - to ensure pipes don’t freeze and burst. This is likely to involve leaving your heating on a low setting and/or a timer to keep the property at an adequate temperature. This will also go some way to preventing condensation.

- As obvious as it sounds, please take any valuables home with you and ensure all doors and windows are locked when you leave.

- Clear gardens of items such as bricks/ladders that could be used to force entry. It’s also a good idea to ask a trusted friend or neighbour staying in Cardiff to keep an eye on your house during the holiday and ask them to push through any mail left hanging from letterboxes. Please remember to bring in your bins too.

- Cathays, Plasnewydd, Roath and Gabalfa residents - prior to the end of term your bin days are 5th December for Recycling and Food waste only (no blacks bins/bags) and 12th December is for Recycling and Food waste as well as Black Bins and Bags. Ensure you bring in all bins and bags prior to leaving for the holidays.

Your landlord also has responsibilities, which mainly include making sure you’re able to heat your property adequately. So if you don’t feel you’re able to do this, please give our Maintenance Team a call on 02920 668585. For more information you can visit our help section.

Everybody at CPS Homes wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

07 December 2012

The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.


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