Do you wish to accompany us when we check-out your property with your tenants?

‘Student changeover time’ is fast approaching and with many check-outs and check-in inventories to carry out around 30th June 2012, it is going to be an extremely busy time for all involved.

If you are a landlord whose property is managed by CPS Homes and the current tenancy is due to end at the end of June, we are encouraging you to accompany us during our check-out inspection of the property, which is more often than not carried out in the presence of at least one vacating tenant.

This will give all parties the opportunity to compare the condition of the property to how it was when the tenants moved in, agreeing any potential deductions from their deposit on the spot, thereby minimising any possible disputes further down the line.

Deductions for damages and cleaning MUST be agreed at the time of the check-out and items cannot be added after this time. As much evidence as possible needs to be collected and preferably signed by the tenant at the earliest opportunity, which is the purpose of carrying out an accompanied check-out.

To make arrangements to attend with us, please call us now on 02920 454555 or e-mail

04 May 2012

The information contained within this article was correct at the date of publishing and is not guaranteed to remain correct in the present day.


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